
Overnight Open Thread

rightside6/09/2009 4:21:31 am PDT

It’s sad how many in the drive by media will not question the one. Claims of creating new jobs go unchallenged, along with everything else that comes along. With the possible exception of Jake Tapper, the other sycophants simply regurgitate what he says as the gospel according to barry.

The relentless excoriation of Bush, contrasted with the cult-like worship of obama, finally ends the “media bias” debate. Despite their declining viewership, I still believe they hold sway over their audience, and can affect the outcome of elections.

Just another piece of the puzzle to overcome, to stop the leftward lurch of the US, so we can then begin to bring fiscal discipline back to our country.

When asked what have you wrought, Ben Franklin replied, “A republic… if you can keep it”