
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet

David Simon7/02/2009 7:05:40 pm PDT

Worried about today’s unemployment figures and those foreclosure signs in your neighborhood? Relax. Obama’s tax cheating, affirmative action appointee helpfully explains:

“Not all the recovery money has been put to work yet,” said the labor secretary, Hilda L. Solis. “We’re making progress.”

But Ms. Solis acknowledged that joblessness was already much worse than the administration projected in January when it created its stimulus spending bill, suggesting then that joblessness would peak at about 8 percent.

Asked why the unemployment rate is already much higher, Ms. Solis noted that much of the stimulus money was moving slowly, with construction projects in particular requiring time-consuming government permits.

“Over all, it’s been a challenge,” Ms. Solis said. “We still have a ways to go.”