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A Mom Anon5/27/2013 3:15:26 am PDT

Another update on the grandkids:

The oldest is out of ICU(had a serious head injury) and may even get to go home today if his scans come back ok. Youngest is already home(broken arm and a black eye). The middle child has a broken nose and her lower jaw is not functioning right, they don’t know if it’s because of all the swelling(she looks like she went a few rounds with a UFC champion) or if it could be dislocated. She’ll be having scans today since the swelling has gone down enough to get good pictures. The docs hope to have everyone home by Tuesday.

They were in an older model Toyota Corolla that went off the road and into a ravine. The driver(my daughter’s stepmom - I didn’t know my ex had married this twit til this morning) passed out at the wheel because she was on Oxycontin. With 5 kids in the car(my three grandkids and two of her own). Her grandkids are fine except some bumps and bruises- that and having a complete freaking idiot for a grandmother. The State Highway Patrol has taken over the case and charges will be filed at a State level. She’s probably going to jail. Good.

Anyway, thanks for all the updings, prayers and well wishes. Keep praying for those kids and my daughter, my oldest grandchild may have to testify against his grandpa( the oldest told grandpa that his wife wasn’t ok to drive-he’s 10 mind you and grandpa made them all get in the car anyway)and the idiot wife in court, though he may be allowed to do it via video tape, we’re not sure yet. Daughter is seeing an attorney once she and the kids are home and settled in to see if she can sue for damages, she also wants to talk to the DA that will be assigned to the case. This woman is a menace, she shouldn’t be allowed near kids or a car.