
The Little Green Footballs User's Guide

b.d.7/09/2013 5:49:07 pm PDT

Politico backs Pincus over Greenwald

Pincus did not immediately respond to POLITICO’s request for comment, but the truth is that the factual errors Greenwald takes issue with here are sort of negligible.

Despite how troubling the NSA’s surveillance practices are, the American people seem content to live with them. Moreover, the news cycle has moved on, dominated now by The Zimmerman trial, Egypt, et al. Finally, Greenwald doesn’t seem to have any more big revelations up his sleeve.

Maybe that’s not the way it should be, but that’s the way it is.

UPDATE (10:10 a.m.): Greenwald emails POLITICO: “There are many more domestic stories coming, and big ones, and soon.”

Right Glenn, huge stories and soon.