
Egypt Cuts All Internet Connections

Birth Control Works1/27/2011 10:27:28 pm PST

re: #176 Walter L. Newton

The US needs to be diplomatically very careful about what is happening in Egypt… we tend to embrace dictators and “dictator like” leaders when we have a large financial interest in a country, or that country houses a possibly bigger enemy, such as the MB. We can’t let the MB taint the actualities on the ground concerning the Egyptian people and their complaints.

The biggest news during the whole time I was in Paris, was of course Tunisia. In an effort to protect it’s interest, and it’s ex-pats there, The French Foreign Minister, Michle Alliot-Marie made some stupid and self serving remarks that didn’t take well with most of the rest of the world. Sarkozy has had to apologize for the remarks since then.

It was entertaining to watch the on the ground French reporters in Tunisia tap dance from on point of view early on in the week to another point of view, as Elysees kept pulling different strings.

Made France look really stupid. We need to consider factors like this before we back even the right horse for all the wrong reasons.


(takes to heavy a comment this late at night… whew)

Thanks for your input. I know it’s a precarious situation.

Sad that there seems to be no “right” answer concerning the rank-‘n-file Egyptian. Or at least, no short-term “right” answer.