
Romney's Foreign Policy Stance In Shambles?

Dark_Falcon5/14/2012 6:14:30 pm PDT

re: #168 ProGunLiberal

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the dumbest thing I have seen all day:

Is Buckingham Palace ugly?

How fucking stupid is the person who wrote that? Colossal, or red-giant-sized?

Thought you’d want to see this:

Clinging desperately to the smallest of crevices on the side of a cliff, Marius Hoft believed he was about to die.

The 19-year-old had fled as crazed gunman Anders Breivik slaughtered dozens of his friends in a massacre which cost 69 people their lives.

But by an extraordinary twist of fate, Mr Hoft survived where so many others died.

He and his best friend Andreas Dalby Grnnesby fled before 33-year-old Breivik’s merciless assault on Norway’s Utoya Island last July.

They clambered over heaps of bodies in a desperate bid to find a hiding place and were finally forced to climb down the sheer side of a cliff.

But as they searched for a secure spot to wait for rescue, Andreas lost his grip and plunged to his death.

Even then Mr Hoft’s ordeal was not over. He was forced to listen as right-wing extremist Breivik continued his shooting spree in the woods above before police finally disabled him.

The teenager was then hauled to safety on a rope by rescuers.

Chilling photographs that show Mr Hoft clinging to the cliffside and his eventual escape were released for the first time today.