
Chuck C. Johnson's Creepy "Fake Rape Expert" Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Justanotherhuman4/18/2015 3:42:05 am PDT

Here is an earlier report on the situation in Savary’s class involving True who obviously thinks he has a handle on what people “believe” as opposed to statistical facts.

Freshman Excluded from Conference, Petition Sparks Controversy

Professor Savery excludes Jeremiah True ‘18 from Humanities 110 conference after the student creates a “hostile educational environment”

“True does acknowledge that things he said may have made some students in his conference uncomfortable, but emphasizes both that he was polite and that some level of discomfort is inherent in an education that is supposed to make people question their own beliefs.

“I apologize that I caused survivors of sexual assault to feel uncomfortable with my views, but the views were in no way threatening or hostile,” he states in his online petition. “I did not use any obscenities in class, I did not declare any fighting words, I did not commit perjury, I did not blackmail anyone in the class, I did not engage in incitement to imminent lawless action, I did not engage in ‘true threats’, and I did not engage in solicitations to commit crimes.”

No, you little POS, you simply went out and tried to prove your own “belief” against underaged girls to try to prove your point. And got arrested for it.

Get some therapy, stat, before you ruin the rest of your life.