
Trump Says He Witnessed "Horror and Devastation" First Hand. He Lied Again.

BlueGrl218/31/2017 3:43:45 pm PDT

Sweet Baby Jesus, I am tired.

The citizens of Houston are slowly digging out from under our mud. But the minute someone told me there’s another storm out there, the language that came out of my mouth was probably unacceptable to pretty much anyone with any kind of dignity or class. Oh well.

We don’t want Trump here, and enough of us are back on the roads that I’m sure we could get quite a protest going. We all need to release some stress anyway, may as well yell at the Yam as a bonding exercise.

Seriously, we’re assessing the damage, now that the water has gone down. The final economic figures will be staggering. And our kids are out of school for at least another week, so the therapy bills will be high too.

You gotta laugh, people.