
Laura Bush: Pro-Gay Marriage and Pro-Choice

Cato the Elder5/12/2010 1:53:17 pm PDT

re: #163 avanti

BTW, Fox is trying to hype another non-story, a UN Internet tax. It seems some UN committee suggested a tax on the net along with another dozen options to raise money for the world health organization.
They suggested a penny tax per 100 e-mails back in the 90’s and that went no where. Even if the UN committee’s tax plan was passed, there is no way to make any country enforce it since it’s voluntary. We even have a law on the books to prevent any such tax.
None of the above is keeping some right wing bloggers from running around screaming about a new net tax.

What a crock.

If the UN was empowered to tax consumers directly, the OWG/NWO would have been implemented decades ago, and we’d all be speaking Esperanto.