
Overnight Open Thread

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/23/2011 4:42:44 am PDT

re: #174 Sergey Romanov

Do you disagree just to disagree? :)

No. :D

The people you’re listing are not correctly described as fundies. Pat Robertson or pastor Jones are fundies. Taylor et al. are something else.

Sorry to get all pedantic but “fundie” is probably one of the most misused terms in circulation. For instance, Robertson is not a Fundamentalist, he is an Evangelical. People may not think so, but there are differences, just as there are differences between the Charles Martel and televangelist crowds.

I know you meant Christian Bible-banger types. I meant general conservative Christian-supremacists and xenophobes shrieking about the decline of the west. These traits are shared between Taylor, Robertson, Jones, and the like. 2 sides of the same bigoted coin, but the Occidental Quarterly crowd comes off with more intellectual credibility than the yahoos. That’s all I meant.