
Rick Perry Is the First to Bail

EPR-radar9/11/2015 5:28:38 pm PDT

re: #176 Blind Frog Belly White

I tend to think of them as people who had never learned that you should always be your own harshest critic. They are wishful thinking and confirmation bias writ large. Cripes, most of them, even the ones who had ‘crises of faith’ as Iraq descended into chaos after 2003, STILL believe that shit, and just think we need to try it on another country.

Then again, they still apparently believe you just have to cut taxes a little more to solve the deficit problem. Go figure.

“You have no respect for logic, and I have no respect for those who have no respect for logic.”

I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem with the PNAC true believers if they had managed to sell the war on Iraq to the public and Congress based on reasonably factual arguments.

That didn’t happen. Instead we had the bullshit of the week for months, culminating in Colin Powell’s pack of lies at the UN.