
Federal Judge Rules NSA Phone Surveillance Is Legal

Eventual Carrion12/27/2013 10:25:19 am PST

And that is the question I keep asking people that are saying that Snowjob revealed “crimes” that were being committed. I asked them what crimes? They start racking off the phone data stuff and looking into records, etc. And I say that is not illegal, the Patriot act says so. They say that it should be a crime then (these are mostly Obama haters that I get into this with). So I start calling them terrorist sympathizers, If they have done nothing wrong they have nothing to worry about, ask them why they want the terrorists to win, all the shit they told me way back when when I was voicing the same concerns (“What? They can make my librarian give them a list of all the books I have checked out over time and the librarian cannot tell me about the inquisition?”). I then check my (bare) wrist and tell them that my GIve A Fuck meter didn’t budge over their concerns now.

Note: I want the law gone over with a fine tooth comb and made better. There has to be a balance to keep us safe from attacks, but still be secure that no one is using the data incorrectly.