
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

lawhawk4/11/2009 8:33:44 am PDT
As Interior Minister Maria Fekter explained with impeccable Germanic logic, if they’re not dangerous, why not just keep them in America?


The fact is that the supposedly vaunted Obama European campaign stop didn’t exactly get what Obama wanted. He didn’t get the troop commitments for Afghanistan, and they didn’t exactly swoon over his overseas contingency operations plans either. They’re a muddled mess on Iran and North Korea, and the UN couldn’t even come up with a weakly worded letter to contest the North Korean UN SCR violation with their missile launch.

The Administration’s handling of these situations ranges from feckless aloofness to absolute ignorance. And our allies and enemies are seeing what results. Iran continues advancing their nuclear program. North Korea tests their missiles, and the US shrugs its shoulders at all of it. They can’t even be bothered to make a stand on piracy, which pretty much every country would support because international trade is concerned.

But, Obama will take credit for an improving economy even though his porkfest had nothing to do with it. Real estate is improving in many parts of the country, and low interest rates are a big reason, along with affordable housing prices for qualified buyers. Banks are lending again - and paying attention to who they’re lending to (though we’ll see how long that lasts as Congress and the usual suspects will demand more lending to subprimes).