
Bobby Jindal's Wife Promotes Science Education While Hubby Works to Subvert It

zombie4/15/2009 10:23:04 pm PDT

I’m slowly changing my mind about this creationism thing.

I mean, if Louisiana (or any state or country) wants to legislate themselves back into the Dark Ages, who are we to stop them? Want to teach your children gobbledygook and condemn yourselves to economic and intellectual irrelevance? Be my freakin’ guest.

I would hope, however, that major universities in other states would stop accepting high school diplomas from Louisiana schools as being valid for admission standards. You want to beclown yourselves? Then we have a right to ostracize you.

I also sincereley hope that all sane parents take their kids out of any creationist public schools and set up their own reality-based charter schools.

Anyway, that’s my current train of thought, because I have completely lost patience with these people. I know I should “care’ more about the children of Louisiana, but if their own parents vote in these creationist knuckleheads, why must it be my onus to intervene?