
Connecticut Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

Donna Ballard4/12/2010 4:44:10 pm PDT

re: #150

Our last Neighborhood Assn meeting, representatives from the Sheriff’s office came to speak.

They have the same view you do.
For probably the same reasons, the teens caught having underage sex, or sexting or whatever, get classified with the real offenders, the ones we really want to watch out for.

Now I find that an absurd part of the statute! I also think that statuary rape is absurd if the girl is under age and the guy is barely of age and both were consenting! I wish the folk in the legislature would use their brains when concocting these blasted statutes! How many lives have been ruined due to immature thinking and acting on immature feelings? Thats the real crime in my opinion!

Now a Priest in the position of power who uses it to hurt a child? I call that a crime under the color of authority and should have a greater punishment for rape or molestation just like a cop who uses his badge to commit a crime!