
American Family Association: Hitler Was Gay, That's Why He Was So Evil

Cato the Elder5/27/2010 3:46:07 pm PDT

Of course the wingnutosphere is totally misrepresenting history here.

Of course, there was a large homoerotic component to Nazism. Just look at any fetish site.

But Hitler was a prunish prude in all things that didn’t serve to magnify his power. Hell, he was a vegetarian. Are the wingnuts going to go after vegans next?

From my posts on a previous thread:

A large number of the leaders and the rank-and-file members of the SA were militant gays, including Erich Rhm, the top guy.


Another hindrance was the more or less open homosexuality of Rhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines. [4][5] In 1931, the Mnchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, obtained and published Rhm’s letters to a friend in which Rhm discussed his sexual affairs with men. This resulted in a national scandal.

But this was not a mark in their favor with Hitler. In fact, it was one of the main reasons for the Night of the Long Knives.

Hitler used the SA for their street muscle, until he achieved absolute power and the various scandals surrounding them became a liability. Then he ruthlessly slaughtered them and replaced them with the SS, who were even more muscly and kept their sexual proclivities to themselves.

There is a horrific, bloody scene depicting the Night of the Long Knives in Visconti’s highly disturbing movie “The Damned”.