
The GOP's Quid Pro Quo

rwmofo12/09/2010 9:05:40 pm PST

re: #159 prairiefire

What are the “Democrat Party’” true colors?

There’s a long list, but I’ll highlight an issue that’s important to me: Fiscal Policy. One of the reasons Republicans won so many seats this past election is because the independent voter is pissed at all the spending we’ve seen since the Democrat Party has had control. Republicans have to rein in spending or else the pendulum could swing right back to the left. They’ll likely propose decreasing the rate of year-over-year spending increases (maybe return to 2008-level spending).

Media/Democrat Party heads will be spinning like Linda Blair’s in The Exorcist and they’ll accuse Republicans of declaring “war on the poor, war on the children and war on the elderly” just like they did when Newt balanced the budget in 1995 (by decreasing the YoY spending increase from 10% to 7.2%).

Trying to get democrats to control spending is about as fruitless as trying to keep 18 year-olds from having sex.

That’s my prediction and I’m sticking with it.