
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

lawhawk4/12/2012 10:55:44 am PDT

The GOP is engaging in a war on access to contraception, including and particularly targeting PP. Consider the following:

In 2006, subsidized family planning services were provided at 8,199 family planning centers—2,741 (33%) were health department clinics, 2,215 (27%) were community or migrant health centers, 1,623 (20%) were other clinics, 868 (11%) were Planned Parenthood centers and 752 (9%) were hospital clinics.[9]
• More than one-third (36%) of women who obtained contraceptive care from family planning centers in 2006 received services from Planned Parenthood sites, 29% from health department clinics, 9% from hospital outpatient facilities and 26% from community or migrant health centers or other, independent clinics.[9]

Go after PP, and you’re affecting 11% of the population seeking family planning services, but 36% of the population seeking contraceptive care.

That’s not an insignificant percentage. And PP offers a wide range of health services besides family planning, birth control, or abortion services, including health screenings for various cancers and ailments.

That doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on the wide range of legislation enacted or pending that would severely restrict birth control access/use and/or abortion access up to and including the use of personhood amendments to circumvent Roe.