
Live Video: 2012 Democratic Convention, Day 3

TedStriker9/06/2012 4:45:35 pm PDT

re: #155 Dr Lizardo

As I trawl the GOP/Conservative sites, I’m detecting what I perceive of as a mounting, though quiet, hysteria. I think perhaps unconsciously, they’re bracing themselves for a loss.

Conventions are interesting, but more for political junkies. The debates are what’s gonna count. If Romney comes off poorly, he won’t win and though the GOP/Conservatives don’t like to address it, I feel they have a fear that President Obama might end up wiping the floor with Mitt during the debates.

As to polling, I myself will be looking at polls more seriously after the debates; if Romney is ahead at that point, he’ll likely win. If President Obama is ahead, then it’s four more years.

And that’s when the wingnuts will lose it completely.

Apparently, Dark took exception with my prediction that President Obama is going to carve Mitt up like Jack the Ripper; taking what we know about Mitt, his everchanging positions, and his complete lack of humility, humbleness, and empathy, I’d put money on it.

Mitt is a lightweight and so is his running mate; no wailing, gnashing of teeth, or delusionary platitudes is likely to change that.