
Your Overnight Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 10/20/15

Birth Control Works10/21/2015 7:22:13 am PDT

re: #147 ObserverArt

ggt, did you see the articles I linked on Saturday when you first made mention of the monopoly in Ohio Issue 3?

It is not as clear as some articles state that it is a monopoly. The politicians are pushing the word monopoly. The backers of the issue state in their mailings:

The word monopoly allows another group that wants to kill the whole idea to put up Ohio Issue 2…which prevents the initiative process from being used for personal economic benefit. Issue 2 if passed will attempt to kill Issue 3 if passed.

All I can say is it is more politics. Many say if they can get Issue 3 through it can be tuned up as far as the language about how the growers are licensed, etc.

Thanks! I think those articles are the ones that started me on it. But that was a long time ago …