
New From Keith Olbermann: Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

ObserverArt12/14/2016 7:49:44 am PST

re: #165 Bass Reeves

Bernie has been the opposite of useful for most of the year, and in that clip, he was actively normalizing racism and bigotry. To some people that is ‘failing to parrot tinfoil hat theories’.

I said this a month ago: Hillary lost because she didn’t make Straight White Christian people feel special enough about themselves and their importance to the country. So yes, Bernie trying to placate the only working class that exists (uneducated white males) is a useful strategy.

But it’s not one the DEMS can win on, because then we would be nothing but Republican lite, and why have a lesser version when you can have the full thing AND get to fly the racist flag proudly? Also, you would completely depress political participation by minorities, and lose every race, ever, forevermore.

You do realize a lot of Bernie’s backers think the problem with the Democrats is that we already are Republican lite. So many think the problem was they didn’t pick a far left candidate.

I guess those folks either forgot the 70s and 80s or were too young to see what being extremely liberal did for presidential elections.

Either that, or I am wrong in thinking that a far left candidate would get crushed again. Maybe the lesson needs to be gone over again. Sure I’d love to see a left liberal/progressive get elected, but I guess I am gun shy.