
GOP Creationists Pass Anti-Evolution Bill in Tennessee

SanFranciscoZionist4/09/2011 3:03:59 pm PDT

Another rambling Soviet-era joke that has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with culture:

Scientists set up an experiment in which they take four groups, each consisting of two men and a woman, and leave each of them on a small deserted island for three months. One group is French, one is English, one is Spanish, and one is Russian.

When they return, the scientists visit the French island, and find one of the men, working in a small, beautiful garden. “Where’s the other two?” they ask.

“In bed,” he says. “We worked it all out. The first month, he was her lover, and I got the garden started. Then, the second month, I was her lover, and he worked on the garden. Now we’ve switched back again. It’s going beautifully.”

The scientists thank him, and move on to the English island, where they find the three subjects have each moved to a different corner of the island. “What’s up?” they ask one of the men. “Are you guys not getting along?”

“I have no idea,” the man tells them. “You forgot to introduce us, so we can’t speak to each other.”

They thank him and proceed to the Spanish island, where they find the woman, alone, wearing black. “Where are the men?” they ask.

“Those fools killed each other fighting over me,” she says. “They’re buried over there.”

Slightly shaken, the scientists sail to the fourth island, and find the two Russian men sitting on the beach, playing chess. “Where’s the woman?” the scientists ask.

“The people,” one man tells them, with a dismissive wave of his hand, “Are in the fields, working.”