
Saturday Morning Open

kynna8/29/2009 11:54:54 am PDT

re: #57 zombie

Because Hollywood is absolutely out of original ideas.

the only two truly original films of the last 20 years have been The Blair Witch Project and Memento. (Not that they were necessarily the best films of the last 20 years, only the most original.) Everything else has been a remake, a rehash, or derivative.

I loved Memento. Very original. I had a problem with one thing in it but I can’t remember what it was. It fits with the theme that I can’t remember, but I think it had to do with the reveal. Hmmm. I should have tattooed it on my arm.

The Blair Witch Project was a problem, IMO, only in that they didn’t know how to make a movie through improvisation and guide a story too. It had some great, creepy moments, but it could have been more, IMO.

You’re right about the original ideas. But the powers-that-be aren’t all that interested in original ideas. Whenever I see something different like “Being John Malkovich” I wonder how in the hell it ever got made.