
Gingrich's Race Baiting Strategy Pays Off in S. Carolina

Targetpractice1/21/2012 12:31:03 pm PST

re: #179 _RememberTonyC

The people who simply hate Obama will hold their noses and vote for Romney. Because in many of their minds, Romney is the one thing Obama can never be. But for many in the middle who are not as dialed in as some of us are, Romney looks and sounds every bit the centrist when he chooses to. Many voters won’t even give a shit until after the conventions. And by then, both candidates will be in their “general election” mode.

Thing is, despite the Right’s best efforts, Obama still does not look or sound like the radical far-left socialist that they’ve been painting him as. But Romney has been out there, pounding the pulpit and making himself sound like a far-right wingnut to anybody who’d listen. So I see Obama having a far easier time playing himself to independents than Romney.