
Friday Evening Oddity: Floating Metal Key

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/17/2014 7:36:50 am PDT

re: #177 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Exactly, and also why the NBA stepped in so quickly and forcefully against Sterling. 29 billionaires didn’t want 1 other asshole billionaire slowing down their gravy train.

I also find it kind of sad that Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee, both of whom seem to be pretty odious people, are somehow mixed up in all this, according to Deadspin and the NYT.

Michelle Rhee is one of very few people on my list of people whom I wish never got to be important. Sarah Palin is on it, too. Rhee is coated with Teflon. Despite a sketchy professional background, she’s managed to convince politicians and corporate leaders that She Has All the Answers.

I fart in her general direction.