
North Korea: "Obama Is Like a Monkey in a Tropical Forest"

Rightwingconspirator12/27/2014 9:30:31 am PST

re: #179 darthstar

The police tend to forget they volunteered, they signed up, trained, graduated, now they take the calls to go to the bad guys or (far more often) go investigate in the aftermath.

That is not as dangerous as walking in on a robbery, getting robbed, shot, raped or beat down by some crew of violent felons. They get the gun I’m not allowed out and about. They have backup, I don’t. They have SWAT and helicopters and now a few drones. I am not allowed any of that. Their pepper spray/mace product is ten times stronger than what I’m allowed. I can call them, maybe if i’m able. Then I wait. Hanging by a circumstantial thread.

I have deep sympathy for anyone who is attacked, especially fatalities. Those diminished families break a heart. First responders do earn a special respect. Police, Firefighters, rescue squads for mountains and of course the snow…

For those burned out or just angry cops who think they are so special as to be allowed to abuse the rest of us or ignore oversight all I have to say is a hearty Fuck You.