
Awesome New Snarky Puppy-Ish Music: Bokanté, "Jou Ké Ouvè"

Decatur Deb1/24/2017 6:44:06 am PST

re: #176 Anymouse

I’m fully expecting him to crash and burn long before the next election. Vice-President Pence is really the guy the GOP wants, but the problem is that it would be hard for him to deny the massive pile of doo piling up against Mr. Trump.

Note that when Republicans decided it was time for President Nixon to go, Vice-President Agnew went first.

Even if Mike Pence can somehow avoid the swirl of sewage rising around Mr. Trump, it would cripple his administration, and anyway though he is a Dominionist wingnut, he is within the normal range of wingnuts.

Democrats should not be initiating any sort of impeachment hearings in the House (which they would lose anyway, being in the minority). It would look as though Democrats are sore losers.

Let the Republicans do it. Democrats can support the effort, but not initiate it. Let the GOP choose between alienating their voter base or having a kleptocracy hung around their necks in the 2018 election.

Don’t support impeachment at all. Pence is worse, and 25 million voted for the Alt-real Thing. They need it long and hard.