
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Antoine Dufour: "Electromagnetic Sun Powered Starship"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/23/2018 7:26:52 am PST

re: #177 ObserverArt

That quote reminds me of how most schools are designed — very long corridors with clean lines of sight. A shooter at one end of the hallway could easily pick off anyone poking their head out a doorway or around the corner. The only feasible way to take down the shooter would be to come at him from behind from another long corridor with a clean line of sight, if he wasn’t clever enough to cover both corridors from his corner.

If the shooter’s wearing a kevlar vest, the defender would also have to be a marksman to try a headshot while not being a target himself.

I’m not even a gun owner or an LEO, and I can figure this out.