
Saturday Night Music: Elvis Costello, 'Secret, Profane And Sugarcane'

realwest6/06/2009 9:39:23 pm PDT

re: #180 sngnsgt
Well I was a HUGE fan of Windows XP-PRO and had used it for a couple of years, but it died - seriously, three motherboards and two hard drives and Best Buy said “we’ll give you as good a computer as this was when it was new.” And given how desktop prices have dropped and because I’m just a swell guy, they actually gave me what amount to about $250 above what I had paid plus thier Black Tie in home hardware and software 3 year warranty. But I hadda take a VISTA. Am I glad I did. By the time I got to it, it had been on the market for about 18 months and had most bugs worked out of it. And as I said, it CAME with 5 Gigs Ram, DVD/CDR and all that jazz.