
Video: Melvin the Machine

windsagio7/01/2011 10:52:04 pm PDT

re: #181 Mr Pancakes

lol, for me it was normal :D

Its actually amazing what you put up with when you’re a little kid, just because you don’t know any different.


That being said, I’m so glad my parents kept my brother. It really did a lot for my life in any number of ways.

Each person is different, and especially each disability is different, but as your grandson develops more and learns, more personality and more forms of interaction will develop. And then its wonderful.

It’s so great that your son is sticking it out, its so much better for the child… and its admirable as well, like you said it’s no picnic. My brother used to wait for me to get home from school so he could attack me. My mom would actually leave a baseball bat out on the front porch as a warning.

… not that that was the actual solution of course :p In our case, it meant that I went next door to where my grandparents lived and didn’t come home at all until he calmed down :D

As a positive, it really brought my sister and I together in some really amazing ways. When you have to defend each other from attack, you don’t really have time for the usual sibling squabbling ><