
Leading Evangelist: Romney Wears 'Magical Underwear with Satanic Markings'

HRH Stanley Sea1/09/2012 7:03:09 pm PST
She stars in the film adaption of Douglas Kennedy’s novel The Woman in the Fifth, which is planned with a release in late 2011.[14]
In Sarah’s Key (2011), Scott Thomas starred as an American journalist living in Paris who discovers that the apartment her husband is renovating for them was once the home of a Jewish family who were taken away in the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup; she becomes obsessed with learning what happened to the family’s daughter, Sarah. Also in 2011, Scott Thomas will star in the upcoming film Bel Ami as another love interest of George Duroy (played by Robert Pattinson).[15]
In summer 2011 Scott Thomas returned to London’s West End to star as Emma in Harold Pinter’s Betrayal at the Comedy Theatre. The revival was brought to life by director Ian Rickson. Her husband was played by Ben Miles and the love triangle was completed by Douglas Henshall.

Indies. Got to look harder.