
WHOA! Gateway Pundit Lies Again!

Scottish Dragon7/31/2014 1:10:27 pm PDT

re: #31 RadicalModerate

I am in need of an explanation on something.

I have noticed, on social media - specifically Twitter/Facebook - recently that a whole bunch of these “I Stand by Israel” Tea Partiers - I identify them as such by their Gadsen flags, and other similar memorabilia - almost to a person also actively follow (and tweet/retweet) straight up white nationalist individuals and organizations. I’m not referring to individuals on the right who might be labeled as such (like Buchanan, Malkin, or Coulter), or even the so-called “Southern Heritage” ones who proudly display a Confederate battle flag. I’m talking about hardcore Third Positioners, links to AmRen, and Stormfront, as well as pro-Hitler postings. Do these people realize that those groups are the polar opposite to anything at all supporting Judaism and Israel?

Same thing when you read something at Yahoo news where a cop shoots an African American for whatever reason. Some people love to see violence, justified or not…against people they do not see as being…well…real people. As long as tanks are blowing up Palestinian women and children with the occasional Hamas militant (again, justified or not), they are happy to experience it vicariously.