
A Picture of Bad Craziness: New Poll Shows 54% of Republicans Think Obama Is Muslim "Deep Down"

Captain Ron2/25/2015 12:50:14 pm PST

re: #168 Justanotherhuman

Astronomers Find Supermassive Black Hole 12 Billion Times Size of the Sun

“Astronomers say they have have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow. Scientists said this black hole was formed about 900 million years after the Big Bang. But with measurements indicating it is 12 billion times the size of the sun, the black hole challenges a widely accepted hypothesis of growth rates. “Based on previous research, this is the largest black hole found for that period of time,” Fuyan Bian, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University (ANU), told Reuters on Wednesday. “Current theory is for a limit to how fast a black hole can grow, but this black hole is too large for that theory.” The discovery was described in a study published Wednesday in Nature.” More

I would assume they mean to say 12 billion times the mass of the sun and not size.