
And Now for a Joey

gmsc5/23/2009 2:50:41 am PDT

Blog posts on GM’s current situation:

GM = Chrysler Redux

I have not blogged much in the last week on the Obama takeover of GM, but you can take all my old Chrysler posts and just substitute “GM” for “Chrysler” and you will have it pretty much straight. Having gotten away with hammering secured creditors in favor of the UAW at Chrysler, Obama is setting the same course at GM.

Statism Failing: Taxpayer Losses in GM and Chrysler Debacles Continue to Mount

Chrysler’s bankruptcy, and what looks to be the impending bankruptcy of government-run General Motors, are getting ever more bizarre and outrageously expensive. Two pics will demonstrate.

Here We Go Again: This Time Gov’t. Is Trying to Shaft Unsecured GM Bondholders

Earlier today, I noted in a post updating the sad situations at bankrupt Chrysler and headling-for-bankruptcy General Motors, that GM is, according to a Wednesday Reuters report, offering secured bondholders a much better deal than the 29 cents on the dollar Chrysler’s secured creditors have been offered. Chrysler’s “non-TARP secured lenders,” after what they allege with much evidential support was a campaign of threats and intimidation by President Obama and the White House, abandoned their efforts to have their first-lien rights recognized in bankruptcy court.