
Pat Buchanan: Hitler Wasn't So Bad

calcajun9/01/2009 11:06:50 am PDT

re: #6 Lucius Septimius

Paddy Boy is Marge Schott in drag.

No— Pat is better looking.

Good Lord. Do tell me in what universe is Hitler to be considered “not so bad”. OK, as a painter of cheap art, he was not so bad. As a fledgling architect, he was not so bad. As an orator, he was, in fact, pretty good. As a planner of infrastructure renewal, he was OK. But, tell me how, in the name of God, when you consider the sum of his parts, was he “good”.

Pat, there’s a “church” in Idaho — with a cross and double lightening bolts— where you’d feel right at home. Please go there—and stay there.