
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta9/21/2009 4:32:22 am PDT

re: #180 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

When I was in school, I once got roughed up by some boys, but it wasn’t gender related. I had said something in class they didn’t like.

After that, my father taught me how to punch (again) and the next time a boy tried to rough me up, I gave him a bloody nose. The next time I was roughed up, it was a girl, and she was pretty surprised I wouldn’t take her shit, so she tried a second time a few days later. Her attack was likely more due to misogyny than the boys, imo.

Kids can and do beat each other up for these things, and other things just as much. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s out of line to suggest white kids aren’t safe in this country because of the President. That’s straight up fear mongering using kids as emotional tools like that.

[Incidentally- I later ran into one of the boys from the first attack when we were in college. He apologized to me, and took me out for a drink.]