
Trayvon Martin and the Pro-Gun Right Wing Lobby

Birth Control Works3/19/2012 5:22:31 pm PDT

re: #176 Obdicut

You’ve got the right to self-defense. If you have actual reason to believe he means to kill you, you can kill him right back, as Mal would say. Hell, even if he’s ‘just’ trying to cripple you.

But we’re not talking about a frail lady defending herself against an aggressive attacker. If the average guy takes a swing at someone, he shouldn’t be shot dead for it.

We don’t have to have hard and fast rules. We can have juries and judges help interpret circumstances. But we shouldn’t condone the idea of lethal force to defend property, nor should we condone the idea of lethal force against someone who isn’t posing a direct threat.

I don’t think we do.

This is where the concept of property rights comes into play. We think a lot of that in this country.