
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

Dark_Falcon3/02/2014 6:18:20 am PST

re: #185 Pie-onist Overlord

What is this, a group therapy?

Well, about 10 years ago I was horrible shape. We had just declared bankruptcy, I was unemployed, I was at the point of considering self harm. I did get a prescription for some medication, I don’t remember the name but it was an SSRI. I took it and I still felt like crap but I didn’t have the inclination to self harm so it must have worked at some level.

I took the meds for several years while I did time-filling stuff like start a 501(c)(3) foundation (which like its designation, makes no profit) but at least it was something to look good on my resume. I also got a job here and there, but they were short-term contracts. I was happy as long as I was working, but once the project was over I got depressed again.

Exercise, especially running, made me feel better. But sadly I tripped and fell and broke my ankle AND HAD NO FREAKING INSURANCE and so running or even walking is no longer an option.

Have you seen a doctor recently about your ankle? Restorative surgeries have progressed in the past decade, so something might be doable nowadays.