
POTUS Joins Twitter, The Usual Wingnut Firehose Of Rage Erupts

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/18/2015 9:48:14 pm PDT

re: #184 Amory Blaine

That’s right. The low prices are raising my taxes while the ruling class profit enormously. Take the skills shortage argument. Schools are funded with property taxes. I am funding your employees skill level. Not you. You want trained workers? You aren’t entitled to them. Put on your fucking big boy pants and get to fucking work training them.

What kind of skills are they lacking, I wonder? Are we talking IT, management, office work, CAD, engineer or machine operator?

And, I wonder if this “skills shortage” is not national, but only regional. In other words, there are suitably qualified workers, but not close to the employer, and management doesn’t want to spend the money to lure those people to relocate.