
North Korea: "Obama Is Like a Monkey in a Tropical Forest"

Birth Control Works12/27/2014 9:44:26 am PST

re: #162 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

In order for it to be a cell phone he must have already been holding it in his hand, in fact it would take a few seconds to turn the camera on (so the cop would have seen it and wouldn’t have reacted in this way).

It is also possible that none of this happened and we’re being manipulated by the World Government. See, pure possibilities are endless. That’s why facts are established based on evidence-based probabilities, not on mere possibilities.

Yes, except you missed one point. There is no Big Brother. There is, however, Big Mama. She has taken up residence at the UN and is hell bent on bitch-slapping those who cannot seem to grow-up. Many view her tactics as tyrannical, but in reality they simply resent being treated like the children they are.

Big Mama don’t take no shit. If you can’t play nice, she will take away your toys. (guns)

She is tired of of the kids killing each other, hurting each other and making life nearly impossible for many of us. She wants her children fed, clothed and educated. She wants them to grow up in a clean and balanced environment and sleep soundly in safe beds each night.

When they are of the age of majority, She doesn’t give a damn who they sleep with, as long as it is consensual and precautions are taken to prevent pregnancy and disease.

She doesn’t give a damn who they worship, as long as that worship doesn’t go against her rules. Anyone telling you that god wants you to do harm to another needs to be reported to Big Mama, or there will be hell to pay. Anyone imposing their belief system on you also needs to be reported.

Mama does have access to the big guns and the big money. She’d like to melt down the guns, but knows that isn’t going to happen anytime soon. She’d like to spend the money on education and trips to Disney World for everyone, but that also doesn’t seem to be going to happen anytime soon.

No, she doesn’t want you tied to your apron strings. She would just like to be able to trust that once those strings are cut, you aren’t going to try to set-up your own feudal kingdom, enslave others or cause harm to others for your own petty need to feel powerful or important.

. . I could go on and on and on, but you get the drift.

Sometimes I think the RWWhackos are a bunch of grown children, still resentful because their Mom wouldn’t let them have another bowl of ice cream.