
Republicans Realizing They Made a Bad Mistake: That Iran Letter Was a "Light-Hearted, Cheeky" Joke

BeachDem3/10/2015 10:06:57 pm PDT

Oklahoma has really been showing its ass this week.

House Bill 1125 would bar county clerks from issuing marriage licenses in the wake of the federal court ruling late last year striking down a state ban on same-sex marriages…

If the Senate passes the bill, only “an ordained or authorized preacher or minister of the Gospel, priest or other ecclesiastical dignitary of any denomination” would be allowed to issue “certificates of marriage” after presiding over a ceremony.

Unfucking believable.

Of course, the wingnuts can’t tie their own shoes without tripping over their feet.

State House Democrats opposing HB 1125 also noted that it would effectively legalize same-sex unions anyway, since the measure does not specifically define marriage as being between a man and a woman.
