
Overnight Open Thread

Syrah5/16/2009 12:22:41 am PDT

re: #100 Syrah

How about this for an open thread controversial topic.

Stephen Hawking, Richard Feynman and Carl Sagan playing Jeopardy.

Who would win?

(At the moment, only Hawking is still with with us, but if they were all still living … )

I am going to put my money on Feynman.

Of the three, I think he may have had more varied life experiences, from teaching in Brazil (where he was also part of a Samba club) to cracking safes, to helping build things that go boom. Sagan might give him a run for it since he was at least able to make it on TV and wright readable novels. But then again, if all the questions were about physics, maybe only Hawking would be able to stay focused on the questions.

With that, I will bid you all a goodnight.

Saturday begins my work week, before sunrise no less.

At least the weather will be good.

Play nice.