
Ahmadinejad Mocks Obama's 'Change' Slogan

jvic6/27/2009 11:19:26 am PDT

re: #138 BigPapa

It’s not a very fine line at all. There’s a clearly tenable stronger position that Obama can take in support of democracy and the democratic process, not against the regime or in support of any particular candidate. He can stand against the violent crackdown as being against all the Citizens of the World.

Actually, he doesn’t have to mention the crackdown at all. Apparently the Iranians are sensitive about outside interference.

Without naming other countries, he can and should make high-visibility pronouncements about America’s support for freedom, rule of law, separation of religion and state, protection for minorities, etc. The upcoming holiday provides a natural context. (Unfortunately, rhetoric like that might alienate some of his most passionate supporters.)

At the same time, the Administration should dodge questions about future options, declining to get pinned down regarding overall policy toward any specific country.