
Mike Huckabee: Big in Alabama

Oh no...Sand People!2/10/2010 11:11:45 am PST

re: #182 sandbox

Intelligent Design holds that the days of creation from Genesis I.I were of millions of years duration—not what we now term the 24 hour day. So I see a big difference between Intelligent Design and Creationism.

I am sure you already know this. It’s not so much the Intelligent Design or even the Creationism that’s the problem. It’s when they try to shove it into science classes covertly/overtly/underhandedly all in the goal of “Come to Jesus” trumping all ethics and ideals. “Come to Jesus” at all costs justifies all the means necessary.

They will cry the second they get it passed and I start pushing for Islamic creationism to be pushed into the classroom next. Not that I am Islamic by any means, just that I can and will take on the slippery slope. Then Hindu’s version. Then the “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster“‘s version, till there is no science whatsoever to be had in a science classroom, akin to MTV and music videos now.