
Bottom Line: Donald Trump Blatantly Lied About His Veterans' Fundraiser

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN5/24/2016 9:40:55 pm PDT

re: #176 HappyWarrior

I watched the video. I have no problem with the way it was handled. People shoplift and take things they donā€™t want or even need, even when they can afford it. When people start coming out of the woodwork and accuse the school of railroading other innocent kids, Iā€™ll reconsider. There seems to be no indication of that. The kidā€™s mother doesnā€™t say anything about other families reaching out to her about similar tales of oppression. I think it seems likely that the kid went back to grab a carton of milk and instead of indicating to the people at the counter what he was doing, he just just grabbed it and walked away. Maybe he thought the cop who approached him had no right to do so. Well, bad news kid, the cop did have cause to approach and try to check out why a student grabbed something out of the line and walk away with it. If the kid had just said something abut it being a misunderstanding with the people at the counter that would probably have been the end of it. However that didnā€™t happen. The counter people arenā€™t coming to his defense and saying ā€œHey, he just forgot to take his milk and was getting it.ā€ People arenā€™t leaping to his side. The only one is his mother. (and people who just want to bitch about how unfair the school is).