
A Fantastic New John Oliver Piece on a Timely Subject: Trade

Blind Frog Belly White8/20/2018 2:24:12 pm PDT

re: #184 MsJ

Okay, so if I understand how this QAnon shit works, some anonymous account drops the faintest of breadcrumbs, accompanied by sets of random digits, and the QAnon Believer community embroiders these breadcrumbs into a rich tapestry of crazy, based on almost no actual content.

And then they convince themselves that the shit they made up came from someone deep in government?

Does that about sum it up?

Because, I mean, back during the Obama Presidency, there was at least one Twitter account that purported to be someone ‘high in the Administration’ who spent all their time telling Wingnuts what they wanted to hear, but at least THAT one had some actual content.