
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

Charles Johnson9/19/2009 9:52:44 pm PDT

Hot Air may have changed their policy (or may have made an announcement to that effect anyway) but their comments are still overloaded with hate speech. Their commenters are now using deliberate misspellings of words like “S@squatch” and “W00kie” to try to avoid being caught by searches, and there are still comments being posted that aren’t outright racist, but are extremely repulsive.

For example:

When Michelle Obama takes a crap
Do odors foul the air?
The ones that you and I expel,
That rot our underwear?
Or does it hint of frankincense
And other fragrance rare?
I wonder.

When Michelle Obama takes a crap
Do angels on high praise
Their frosty, feathered protege
For adopting human ways?
Or do they gag and flap their wings
To clear away the haze?
I wonder.

csdeven on September 19, 2009 at 12:22 AM

Nobody thought that was out of line. It’s still there. (This person used to be a commenter at LGF.)

It wouldn’t have lasted five minutes here.