
Honoring Those Who Served

J.S.11/11/2009 5:11:15 pm PST

re: #111 Killgore Trout

Encouraging some sort of Manichean split between so-called “good guys” vs “bad guys” is politically, morally, and ethically wrong. It does not further or enhance balance, or fairness or even intelligence — all it does is further demonize one side while making the other angelic. Well, you know, I don’t believe in demons on one side and angels on the other. That’s a childish and simplistic way to look at the world (and actions which promote it, and further it, are, imo, unfortunate.) This also reminds me of what Freud wrote — lol — it was about a community of saints — and what would happen to that “community of saints,” eh? Always, always, the ante goes up. That’s what will happen, and the “purity” requirements will increase and grow miore and more severe, until finally, they’ll be executing by firing squad any “deviant” for having the audacity to minsprounce a word during a prior prior to eating a morsel/crumb of bread. That’s what happens.