
Rand Paul Compares US to the Fall of the Roman Empire

ZeroGain7/02/2010 11:38:42 am PDT

I’ve been hearing this rhetoric for years, even back in Clinton’s two terms. It’s hyperbole and cake for the masses. The best people who use this will then draw you the ten parallels as to why we’re like the Roman Empire in decline, and most of them will use socio-political mumbo-jumbo to boot.

However, it doesn’t mean he’s entirely wrong about the end result:

#24 cliffster
…I can bust out my credit card and make it look like I am extremely successful for a few years, but it’s eventually going to screw me.

The flaws in this manic spending philosophy doesn’t take a genius to see, and so far it’s the only philosophy/strategy that The One (a.k.a. The Lightworker,

He who will Fill the Hole in your Soul) and his chosen disciples can muster.

I’m hearing that a number of people and businesses who can are shifting as much of their income and gains as they can into this year to avoid new taxes next year, and so the increases you’re seeing now are false. This makes a certain amount of sense to me, though I’m not an economist by any means.

#43 Obdicut

I’d have to disagree with you on that. Your wide consensus is suspect because it is politically motivated. Universally the Left will agree that everything Roosevelt did was divine, while the Right will say it’s complete hogwash, and vice versa about Regan who used an entirely different mandate. Even so both sides will say that their chosen demigod was better than the other’s and the facts be damned, or pull out obscure numbers.

However since you support massive government spending, do you truly believe that this spending is properly placed and that Veep Biden is doing his mandated job adequately in managing the money, or is he blowing smoke up various orifices?

Also, how can we afford to continue borrowing if we no longer have backers? Once the loans stop being supported all we have left is inflation, and with no limits in place I fear waking up to an economy like Zimbabwe’s.