
Unreal: Florida Republican Introduces Bill to Bring Back Firing Squads

lawhawk10/12/2011 11:29:19 am PDT

Every state other than Utah has either banned capital punishment or has limited it to lethal injection. Ol’ Sparky got the neutralized. The firing squad was shot down in flames, and the lethal injection had its plug pulled. Even Utah has ended use of the firing squad on new capital crimes - those already on death row and convicted under the old law would potentially be able to choose death by firing squad.

Oklahoma is the only state where firing squad is still viable (as a secondary option).

Yet, this Florida politician want to bring back the firing squad? Even if you think that the death penalty is viable, I think the courts would find this potentially cruel and unusual punishment and strike it down. It has no additional value (shock value - yes, value to society at large? minimal or negative).

And it’s interesting to note that crime rates have dropped even though the use of firing squads has declined - so there’s not likely a benefit to be gained from having the practice.

BTW, the issue about drugs used during lethal injections is a complicated one particularly since of late there’s been a shortage of one of the drugs and that can complicate matters and alternatives have to be approved (a lengthy process apparently).